Monday, June 20, 2011

Heat Wave

My mom had such a green thumb---plants thrived in her care and it all seemed to come so easy to her. Unfortunately, I did not inherit that gift. I think I've mentioned that plants need to be very hardy to live at my house. So far, it's only the middle of June it's like 104 degrees outside during the day! I have brand new landscaping in my backyard. That means massive amounts of watering just to keep everything alive. After dinner, I've been turning on the sprinkler in the front yard. Knowing that I'll forget that it's even on, I set the microwave timer for 20 minutes and settle in to surf the web or catch up on work. The timer goes off and I go outside to move the sprinkler. Back inside, I get busy again. Then, suddenly, an hour later, I remember that I forgot to set the timer and race outside to turn it off and move it to yet another spot . . . and so on until they've all been watered (and sometimes I have water running down the driveway). Rewind and then repeat---each evening.

Only to remember----oops! I totally forgot the herbs that were planted in the backyard. :-( Sorry Basil and replanted Rosemary!

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