Monday, November 3, 2014


30 Days of Thankful 2014 - Day 3 - Education
I know that there are several teachers in this group, and several more that work in an school environment, so EDUCATION is obviously important to us.  But, why?  I am an inclusion teacher that teaches preschool special EDUCATION.  In fact, I'm one of those few people that always knew what I wanted to "be when I grow up".  Other than a brief period of time in second grade when I thought I wanted to be a nurse (and we won't count the period when I wanted to grow up and be a zebra because they were so interesting), I knew that I wanted to be a teacher.  A special EDUCATION teacher, at that.

While, I am certainly looking forward to retirement in a couple of years, I still love my job.  There is something so amazing about seeing a student "catch on" and finally understand a concept.   Working with special needs children has given me the opportunity to see this on so many different levels, whether it be the realization that numbers have meaning or that those little squiggles on paper actually mean something to the challenge of finally making eye contact with an autistic child.  I firmly believe that EVERY child can learn and will learn if given the opportunity, and enjoy the challenge of figuring out what makes my students "tick" and how to best present information so that they can learn.  Each accomplishment is a cause for celebration and opens the world a little bit more to the student.  
EDUCATION was valued in my family and we were all encouraged to pursue our dreams, however they presented themselves.  Unfortunately, EDUCATION is not available to everyone in the world and is not valued by many people.  But, today I give thanks for EDUCATION and for all those that made it possible for me and my family.
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